Red Shiso Syrup


How to use Red Shiso Syrup

  • Put it on vanilla ice cream or yogurt.
  • Use to make quick and easy drinks, desserts, and more.


    Red Shiso Refresher

    1 part Red Shiso Syrup
    4 parts bubbly/still water

    Pink Genie

    A dash of Red Shiso Syrup

    Red Shiso Burbon Cocktail by Lede's Dylan

    1.5 parts bourbon
    0.25 parts lemon juice
    0.75 Red Shiso Syrup
    2 parts dash orange bitter


    Red Shiso Syrup with Vanilla Ice Cream and Strawberries

    1. Place cut strawberries in a bowl and pour Red Shiso Syrup.
    2. Scoop vanilla ice cream into a bowl.
    3. Pour over the strawberry and Red Shiso Syrup mix over the ice cream.